Formcreator 2.8.2 is available to download. This version is compatible with GLPI 9.3 and GLPI 9.4. Learn more about how it works in our post

FormCreator plugin for GLPI is a plugin which allows to create custom forms of easy access and also one or more tickets or changes when the form is filled.


  • dropdownfield: upgraded fields from 2.5 may crash (8233b75)
  • filefield: uploaded files lost (1cec1e0)
  • form: redirect to formlist after filling a form (51fe9ae)
  • issue: warnings with GLPI 9.3 (04791f4)
  • question: quote escaping in import (ed4b021)
  • serviceCatalog: fix left menu for some languages (f1bc390)

Please, download the update here: