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OW2 is an independent, global, open-source software community. The mission of OW2 is to a) promote the development of open-source middleware, generic business applications, cloud computing platforms and b) foster a vibrant community and business ecosystem. OW2 developments follow a flexible, component-based approach.

OW2 is an open organization.OW2 is committed to growing a community of open source code developers. The organization is dedicated to the creation of new technology: original code development is one of its fundamental characteristics.

Teclib´is proud to announce the collaboration with OW2 as a Corporate Member! A typical global open source organization, OW2 aims at fostering grassroots communities across all continents through geographically-rooted organizations. As a global focused company, Teclib´ shares the vision of OW2 and looking forward to the possibilities we can create together.